GSA Food Drive

The Campus Food Bank supports many in-need graduate and undergraduate students each year and is one of the most essential resources on-campus. Therefore, this winter semester, the GSA is launching a GSA Food Drive for our Departmental Graduate Associations and Graduate Student Groups that want to participate in raising money and collecting food items for the Campus Food Bank.


Prizes will be awarded on the basis of the items per graduate student in the DGA or GSG. Please send in your most updated DGA/GSG membership number to if you haven't done that yet.

  • 1st Prize: $200 LDL Coupons
  • 2nd Prize: $150 LDL Coupons
  • 3rd Prize: $100 LDL Coupons

The food drive opens on March 1 and ends April 13, 2023.

Item Counting Information

  • Each box/can/package under 250g/mL counts as 1 item
  • Each box/can/package between 250 and 500g/ml counts as 2 items
  • Each box/can/package between 500 and 750g/ml counts as 3 items
  • Each box/can/package between 750 and 1000g/ml counts as 4 items
  • Each box/can/package over 1000g/mL counts as 5 items (no matter how big it is!)
  • The food bank cannot accept any dented cans and all items must be new and unopened, no partially used packages please (i.e., please do not open boxes of granola bars or juice boxes in order to count them as extra items)
  • Cash donations will be counted as 1 item per $1

How to Participate

1. Cash Donation

Your DGA/GSG will make a single donation to the Campus Food Bank’s GoFundMe page under the DGA/GSG name before the deadline on April 13, 2023 at 4 pm MT.

Alternatively, cash donations can be dropped off at the GSA Office from April 11 to 13 during our office hours (10 am to 3 pm), or at the Last Defense Lounge (LDL) from April 10 to 14 from 3 pm to 8 pm.

Email a screenshot or the email confirmation to verify your donation!

In 2021, DGAs raised over $2,600 for the Campus Food Bank - let's try to top that this year!

2. Physical Item Donation

Your DGA can collect physical food item donations within its membership and network.

The physical items can be dropped off at the GSA Office (10 am - 3 pm) or the Last Defence Lounge (3 - 8 pm) from April 10 to 14, 2023, 3 pm to 8 pm.


If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Coordinator at

DGAs and GSGs, Need Help with Promoting the Food Drive?

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