GSA Fees

The Graduate Students’ Association fees that you pay each year go directly to funding GSA programs and services that enhance your experience as a graduate student at the University of Calgary. Any changes to the GSA Fees are subject to approval by the GSA Graduate Representative Council.

Graduate Students’ Association Fees


Full-time Students



Part-time Students


All graduate students are assessed general fees, which are subject to change without notice, each year.

Stay Informed: University of Calgary Graduate Studies Calendar - Explore Fees, Tuition, and Important Insurance Details for Graduate Students.

To learn about any additional general fees as well as tuition fees, please refer to the University of Calgary Graduate Studies Calendar.

Details of the $11 Accident Insurance for Graduate Students charge can be found HERE or contact UCalgary Human Resources at 403-210-6212 (the GSA does not manage this fee). You can also contact SSQ Financial Group at 1-888-651-8181 or the claims department at 1-855-395-2520.

In the event of any discrepancy between the print version and the online version of the FGS Calendar, the current online version will apply. As this calendar is updated throughout the year, it’s recommended that students refer to the online calendar before their fee assessment deadline in order to be prepared for any changes or increases to general and/or tuition fees.


Do you know where your fees are going?

The Graduate Students’ Association fees that you pay each year go directly to funding services that enhance your experience as a grad student at the University of Calgary.

Here are some examples of what your fees are doing for you:

Since 1967, the Graduate Students’ Association has been serving the students of the University of Calgary and striving to improve your experience as a graduate student.