Graduate Representative Council (GRC)

GRC is the GSA’s policy-making body, comprised of graduate student representatives from all departments with active Departmental Graduate Associations. It provides direction to the GSA Board of Directors on the political, financial, and operational matters of the GSA.
Download the GRC Handbook

Notice of the MAY 2023 GRC Meeting

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 5:30 pm MT | Last Defence Lounge and on Zoom

Please see the information for the April GRC meeting below.

Please help us improve engagement during our GRC meetings by filling out this short and anonymous survey. Respondents will have a chance to win one of two $50 gift cards. Please fill out this survey by May 10. Thank you for your feedback.

Online sign-in starts at 5:30 pm MT sharp. Thank you in advance for attending.

Meeting documents are posted below:

  1. May 2023 GRC Agenda
  2. April 2023 GRC Minutes
  3. GRC 101

Upcoming GRC Meetings

Tuesday October 25, 2022
Tuesday November 29, 2022
Tuesday January 31, 2023
Tuesday February 28, 2023
Tuesday March 28, 2023
Tuesday April 25, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023